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The climate is getting warmer and warmer and Syrah is now also producing great wines in Germany, especially in Baden (Markgräfler Land and Kaiserstuhl).

The Ziereisen 2020 Jaspis Däublin Syrah has mocha, cherry, strawberry, toasted barrique and with air also raspberries, and a full body. The wine is spicy, perfectly balanced, long and very drinkable. 19/20 points.

The Salwey 2020 Syrah is initially very fruity with raspberry, blackberry and blueberry and needs a lot of air. It then becomes more complex and takes on mocha notes. The toasted barrique is clearly evident. The wine has medium to full body, a long finish and perfect balance. 18.8/20 points.

The Martin Waßmer 2019 Dottinger Castellberg Syrah is immediately recognizable as Syrah with its white pepper. The wine has full body, white and black pepper, very fine tannin, depth and complexity, potential and is balanced, long, dense and mineral. 19/20 points.